Marketing Trends: Do’s and Don’ts

Close up of a phone screen with social media apps

A lot of brands might be hesitant to jump on a marketing trend because they wonder whether they belong in that space. While it’s important to proceed with caution, most of the time it’s a good idea to jump on the bandwagon and have fun with the trend. Engaging with current social trends is a great way to:

- Pop up in someone's feed without overtly advertising

- Naturally boost a post's effectiveness by using a trending sound, hashtag, or format

- Provide a genuine opportunity to speak to a younger audience

- Is a great way to have fun with you social media presence

But, before you join in on every trend that comes along, think about the time and effort spent on creating content. A few tips to consider before you get to posting:

- Can you make something quickly? Timeliness is super important with trends. Aim for a 24-48 hour turnaround. It's better to not engage with a trend at all than to post it super late when everyone's feed has become saturated with it

- Does this trend actually relate to your brand somehow? if you have to really force a trend to make sense for your business, maybe wait this one out, another one will come along! 

- Does it have to be a social post? Maybe this trend could be referenced in a newsletter, or tells you something important about your audience

Navigating the marketing world when it comes to staying relevant and being on trend can be difficult, but that’s where we come in! Book your consultation with us today to see how we can help your business navigate trends, create a social media presence, and meet marketing goals!


Marketing “Spring Cleaning”


Q&A with MCA Marketing Coordinator, Leigh Partington