2024 Social Media Update Round-Up

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Social media is ever changing when it comes to trends, influencers, and posting guidelines. It’s hard for anyone to keep up, which is why as the year comes to an end, we’re rounding up what we feel are the ten most important social updates to get the most out of your posting!

  1. 20 Carousel Instagram Posts: Gone are the days of having to choose a maximum of 10 photos per post. While 20 slides would be a lot for the average social post, it’s nice knowing you’re not constrained to half the amount of slides. Plus, who knows!? One day you might need those 20 slides to really get your point across.

  2. 10 Minute Video Length on TikTok: We can’t stand having to scroll through a 28 part Tiktok series made up of one to three minute clips. Thankfully, the app now allows users to post up to ten minutes of content per post. You don’t want to drone on and on when posting but now no longer have to worry about getting cut off after 60 seconds. 

  3. Add Music to Your Posts: Instagram now allows users to add a song to their posts. Have fun with it! Pick trending songs, or a song that has to do with what you’re talking about.

  4. Holiday Marketing Checklist: Meta (aka Facebook) has released a feature to help businesses owners maximize themselves during the holiday season with a marketing checklist to help seize the holiday season. Read more about it here

  5. In-feed LinkedIn Carousels: Yup, this one’s self explanatory. In September LinkedIn launched in-feed carousels, these carousels can also include video! Fun!

  6. Instagram Profile Cards: You can now create essentially an Instagram profile playing card for your account. These profiles allow people and brands to connect people to their profiles with ease. 

  7. Link Your Products on Amazon Through Tiktok: Tiktok and Amazon have collaborated. Now, businesses who sell their products on Amazon can easily link straight to their product through Tiktok for easy purchasing. 

  8. YouTube Shorts Getting Longer: YouTube is the undertalked king of social media, and their Shorts feed is expanding! Now, videos can be up to three minutes long as opposed to the original one minute length. 

  9. Comment on Stories: You can now leave public comments on users' Instagram stories for followers to see. A great new form of engagement!

  10. Posts With Embedded Links are Smaller on LinkedIn: Ever feel like your posts on LinkedIn that link to outside websites don’t get as much traction? You might be on to something. The platform introduced a feature this year that makes posts with embedded links actually appear smaller than those without. 

These are just ten of the many social media updates we've seen this year. It can be overwhelming for any one person to keep. Luckily, staying in the loop is our job! Let us handle your social media needs and make the most of the latest features—so you don’t have to. Book your consultation today at mca-marketing.com/consultation.


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