Why Does Project Management Matter?

Office meeting

Project management is everything when it comes to a business or company being and staying successful. But more often than not, it’s easily overlooked, especially in small businesses. For today's blog we’ve chatted with our head marketing strategist, Cynarah, about why project management is done as diligently as it should be, and why it’s so important. 

Lots of businesses have most of, if not all of, their company knowledge and processes in their employees' heads, rather than documented. This isn't a great strategy because there’s nothing physical to reference for new hires, and if someone leaves the business, they're taking all the company knowledge with them. This can leave your business devastated. By having employees fill out documents and forms along the way, you have physical work to reference and build off of. 

There are free and paid project management softwares and tools and implementing one of these is essential to keeping your marketing organized and grouped together. Initiatives and campaigns have a million moving parts and people involved, but without proper project management people don’t have clearly defined roles and things slip through the cracks. It’s also harder to imagine the final product when you don’t have the steps to get there outlined. People contribute more when it’s clear what they should be working on! Without proper project management, your marketing initiatives will constantly not be reaching their full potential. Project management also ensures teamwork and check-in’s along the way to make sure everyone is feeling supported in their roles. 

Knowing where to begin with project management can be overwhelming. Luckily, we’re here to help! Book a consultation with us today to see how we can help you implement project management strategies to keep your business running smoothly. 


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